Fresh salad - perfect during hot summer temperatures
A refreshing salad contains few calories and a lot of vitamins and nutrients. You need: 🥒various vegetables (cut) 🥗Spices and oil...
A refreshing salad contains few calories and a lot of vitamins and nutrients. You need: 🥒various vegetables (cut) 🥗Spices and oil...
Homemade Tsatsiki is not only incredibly delicious, but also has super nutritional values: low in calories, low in fat and rich in...
This watermelon slushy tastes super delicious, has a great color and also low calories. Preparation: For the watermelon slushy, place...
In case you liked the last raw cake recipe, you'll love this one as well. For the floor: 170g dates, pitted 120g almonds 30g coconut...
Super delicious summer cake with a lot of good nutritional values. For the base you need: 50g coconut flakes 150g ground almonds 150g...
I'll show you how to make your own quark super tasty. But many do not like the taste of pure low-fat quark. Otherwise, bought curd with...
The cake base is purely raw. Together with a vanilla topping and sour redcurrants - a perfect combination, especially on hot summer days....
This selfmade bruscetta is super simple and delicious as well. Plus you probably have all ingredients at home. You need: 400g tomatoes...
Using cinnamon rolls and fruity jelly - the combination is just perfect for a lovely sunny afternoon. You need: a cube of yeast 2tbsp...
Even I who rarely drinks coffee acquired a taste for this kind of coffee. It's the perfect pick-me-up for hot summer days. You need: (...
It consists only of natural ingredients, has super nutritional values and is vegan as well. You need: 2 banana 100g soaked chickpeas 4...
Do you sometimes feel for a snack but you want to stay healthy as well? Tomato-mozzarella might just be the thing for you. Wether as a...
The recipe is rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, sugar-free and vegan. The waffles are super tasty and perfect for a chilled sunday...
It is quickly prepared, contains a lot of vegetable protein and is vegan. You need: (for two people) 200g champinions coconut oil salt &...
These homemade energy bars are perfect as a snack before and during sports. You need: 150g oat flakes 150g dates 50g nuts blend 150g oat...
You need: mixed lettuce freshly cut vegetables 2 tbsp honey 2 tbsp mustard 1 tbsp water dill For the salad put mixed lettuce and freshly...
This version is low on calories, vegan and very high in protein. It is super easy and enough for multiple meals, so you've only to cook...
The salad was always been very well received by my guests. You need: 550g noodles 200g champinions some oil, salt & pepper cook 500g...
Just as promised I've got inspiration for you using the self-made basil pesto from the last post. The pesto bread looks beautiful and is...
I love how this pesto is made only of natural ingredients and it tastes way better than anything you can buy. You need: bunch of basil...