Asparagus flame cake - quick to prepare and simply delicious
The time of asparagus is starting and I've got the tastiest recipe for you. I prefer using the green ones which you don't have to peel so...
The time of asparagus is starting and I've got the tastiest recipe for you. I prefer using the green ones which you don't have to peel so...
Today I'll share my favorite cookie recipe with you! It's super simple and quick to do. Due to the amount of complex carbs, it's the...
Do you love pancakes as much as I do? If so, you have got to try out this recipe which is a bit more healthy, so you can start your next...
The recipe is very easy to do, it contains many vitamins and has hardly any calories at all. You need: parsnips carrots beetroot honey...
My friends just LOVE it when I bake this chocolate bread for them. Fresh from the oven it's so delicious, you could eat the whole loaf at...
What do you prefer to eat the day before the competition? I prefer pasta - as you would expect. For two portions you will need: 150g soja...
Especially for endurance athletes, the intake of complex carbs is important to provide the body with sufficient energy. Complex carbs...
Wraps are perfect if you want to use up leftovers. Having this selfmade hummus (it's soo tasty) the wraps are high in protein and vegan...
Easter is getting closer and I've got the perfect Easter Bunny recipe for your brunch. (You could call it a yeasterbunny) ⠀ For six...
Spring is coming and I got the perfect snack for you. These frozen yogurt bites are refreshing and easy to make. You need: 500g yoghurt...
The High Protein Pizza is not only very quick to prepare and has very good nutritional values but also tastes fantastic. You need: 230g...
Beetroot - the natural dopping agent for all athletes. This beetroot bread just looks awesome, doesn't it? Sweet spreads go perfectly...
Burgers are among the top food trends 2018, so what could be better than these helthy high-protein burgers? You need: For four Burger...
If you are a fan of sushi, you will love this vegan sushi bowl! And the best part: preparing it is quite simple and it won't get messy at...
Chunky monkey is among the best selling ice cream types of Ben & Jerry's. I made a helthy DIY-version which you can keep vegan as well....
There is no way to eat more healthy than this! This green smoothie bowl contains enough fruits and nutrition for the whole day. Für zwei...